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The Healing Has Begun!

You are here because you are preparing for the next step, whether it is allowing yourself to heal or assisting others on their healing journey. Whatever your calling is, welcome!

ThetaHealing Sessions

Private healing sessions are available by appointment. We can discuss any topic in which you desire a shift, as well as any fears you are ready to release. Please book your session here.

ThetaHealing Classes

“Healer, Heal Thyself!”
If you are drawn to helping others heal, check out the classes offered and become certified in the ThetaHealing® technique.

ThetaHealing in Tampa Bay

Welcome to The Healing Has Begun! We are delighted to provide ThetaHealing® in Tampa Bay and beyond. Would you like to receive healing in your life? You’ve come to the right place! Experience enlightening and in-depth private sessions. Want to take your healing journey to the next level? Check out our class schedule to learn the ThetaHealing technique and meet other students who are on similar journeys.

The mission statement of ThetaHealing states:

“To change the world one person at a time and show everyone their true connection to The Creator of All That Is. We aim to bring forward the best in all people.”

We are grateful to see you here and welcome you to discover how ThetaHealing can bring out the best in you!


With an academic background in Psychology and Marriage and Family Therapy, and a desire to witness healing in others, LouAnn Saphos is a seeker of truth in its myriad forms, which potentiates physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing. She is a Reiki Master, a Certified Practitioner and Instructor of ThetaHealing®, as well as a Certified Matrix Energetics Practitioner.

Her journey has led her to the understanding that we are energy beings in a quantum Universe that is always working on our behalf when we allow it to. It is through a willingness to release that which no longer serves us and step into our heart center that we are awakened to the unconditional love that is our true identity. From this space, we may become a vibrational match for all that is meant to flow into our lives and we begin to experience health, happiness, well-being, prosperity, joy, and peace.

Private Sessions and Classes

LouAnn is committed to assisting others toward finding their path to authentic fulfillment with the understanding that as each awakens, humanity is transformed. She facilitates this process through private sessions and as an Instructor of the following ThetaHealing® courses:

  • Intro to ThetaHealing®
  • Basic DNA
  • Advanced DNA
  • Dig Deeper
  • You and the Creator
  • Manifesting and Abundance
  • Intuitive Anatomy
  • Disease and Disorders
  • World Relations
  • Family Ties
  • Game of Life
  • Animal Communication
  • Plant Communication
  • Rhythm to a Perfect Weight
  • Soul Mate
Certified ThetaHealer

LouAnn sees clients and teaches ThetaHealing® courses at her retreat on the west coast of Florida where students may stay while taking classes. If you have a group in your area, she is available to travel upon request.